Arnav likes to explore the mountains in all seasons through a variety of methods. Everything from ice and rock climbing, to splitboarding, hiking, running, and more. He’s been crisscrossing the United States in self-built converted vehicles during the last several years for this very purpose. He started off spending his winters at the top of New England and Colorado, and his springs and summers on the summits of the Cascades. He lives in Alaska now, where most of the mountains have no name, and he’s enjoying every bit of it.
Arnav runs Wild Windy World, an outdoor journalism company providing writing and photography services to other media outlets. He also publishes here; sharing spectacular photography, riveting stories, and information and advice pertaining to outdoor adventure and vehicle-based travel. You can also find trip reports on climbing and mountaineering ascents, along with gear reviews on the best outdoor equipment.
Contact: You can contact us at arnav@wildwindyworld.com. We provide writing, photography, and other business services. We’re also happy to answer any questions or other inquiries.